How eco-friendly are self-driving cars?

Self-driving cars are the center of intention these days. We have been hearing on the radio about the upcoming Tesla model Y with the revolutionary autopilot feature. We have been reading articles about Uber's self-driving fleet or Google's self-driving cartography vehicles. We have been seeing on the TV News about Nissan's…

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Kid Youtubers: a need for a legal protection?

In our age of digital and Internet, everything has changed, including family lifestyle. Nowadays, it is not a new thing to see mummies and daddies turn the lives of their kids into an online spectacle. But, can we be sure that the children’s right is not violated? It is needed…

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Nowadays, we can do pretty much everything thanks to the new technologies: watching TV with replay or streaming new series, listening to endless playlists on spotify or apple music, stocking thousands and thousands photos on the Cloud, video calling hours and hours on FaceTime and so on. All of that…

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Japan: When government hack its own citizens for cybersecurity purposes

One Year before the Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japanese government passed a law which allows government to hack into Internet of Things devices of its own citizens. The survey will be carried out by employees of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) under the supervision of the…

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China, The Great Firewall, Cyber sovereignty, Freedom of Speech and international law

China, in terms of population, is the biggest country in the world today. It is politically based on a one-party system and in order to maintain this system, the country has to limit freedom of speech as much as possible. However, China is not the only country that limits its…

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Lire la suite à propos de l’article Addiction aux réseaux sociaux, phénomène du siècle et danger pour la santé. Comment faire face à l’hyper connectivité ?  (2/2)
Group of diverse people using smartphones

Addiction aux réseaux sociaux, phénomène du siècle et danger pour la santé. Comment faire face à l’hyper connectivité ? (2/2)

Nous vivons aujourd’hui dans une société où l’individualisme exacerbé bouleverse le moindre effort collectif. Cette société a troqué les relations humaines au profit des choses virtuelles. Le constat amer est que l’on devient de plus en plus proche des gens qui sont éloignés, et loin de ceux qui sont proches…

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Alexa et la protection de la vie privée

Vous êtes-vous déjà demandé si Alexa vous écoutait ? Si Alexa s’activait bien plus souvent que vous ne lui demandez ? Dans une enquête publiée le 6 mai 2019, le journaliste du Washington Post, Geoffrey Fowler, s’est intéressé à l’option permettant d’accéder à l’archive sonore conservée par votre appareil .…

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