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In early September, Tunisia set up a new national cybersecurity agency. A further step, for this country, towards the protection of cyberspace.

A transformation of the National Agency for Computer Security (ANSI) 

The protection of cyberspace and online threats affect the whole world. Tunisia understands this. In a decree-law dated March 11, 2023 (decree-law n°2023-17), the country decided to create the National Cybersecurity Agency (ANCS in French). This agency replaces ANSI and is intended to strengthen cybersecurity. This decree-law came into force on September 11, 2023. 

Article 4 of the decree-law defines the ANCS as a “non-administrative public establishment with legal personality and financial autonomy”. It is placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Communication Technologies, like ANSI was before. It officially opened on September 11, 2023, following the entry into force of the decree-law of March 11, 2023. According to Article 1 of this decree-law, it regulates cybersecurity, defines the missions and role of the ANCS and sets out the mechanisms assigned to the agency to ensure cybersecurity.

The role of the ANCS 

ANCS was created to protect from cyberattacks. Indeed, in a world where digital technology, connected objects and information & communication technologies (ICT) are expanding, it is essential to create “weapons” to protect cyberspace. According to Article 1 of Decree-Law no. 2023-17, the role of the ANCS is to “ensure the security of the national cyberspace“. It was therefore created to guarantee “the security of information and communication systems of public and private structures in the national cyberspace” (article 5 of the decree-law). 

The missions of the ANCS 

The missions of the ANCS are specified in Article 5 of Decree-Law no. 2023-17. In particular, it must: 

  • Develop and update policies and mechanisms for governance and security of the Tunisian cyberspace
  • Monitor the implementation of action plans concerning: 
    • Proactive and preventive measures, 
    • Mechanisms for instant detection 
    • Reporting of incidents and attacks in cyberspace, 
    • Investigations to diagnose incidents and determine those responsible, 
    • Etc. 
  • Design cybersecurity skills development programs, by, for example, developing cybersecurity academic programs, validating cybersecurity training programs and publishing them on the Agency’s official website, setting up cybersecurity communication and awareness campaigns, etc.
  • Monitor technological developments in the field of cybersecurity. 
  • Ensure international cooperation by guaranteeing coordination with official foreign structures in this field.

Established on September 11, 2023, the ANCS has already begun to take action. On September 29, 2023, it signed a memorandum of agreement with Italy on strengthening cybersecurity. It also took part in the new edition of the “regional cyber security week 2023”, where it signed a memorandum of agreement with the United Arab Emirates. Finally, on its official website, it published “Best practices for the secure administration of Facebook pages”. This guide groups together various measures to be applied to reduce the risk of public entities being hacked via professional social networks. 

The ANCS represents a new departure in Tunisian cyberspace security. Indeed, it is doing all it can to develop real international cooperation in the digital domain, in information security and in the protection of cyberspace. It also works effectively to protect the national cyberspace, by posting on its website the national alert level and all the latest vulnerabilities identified.



M2 Cyberjustice – Promotion 2023/2024


Sources : 

Ministère des Technologies de la communication : L’Agence nationale de cybersécurité voit le jour | La Presse de Tunisie 

Prend le décret-loi dont la teneur suit : Article premier 

Agence Nationale de la Cybersécurité (ANCS) 


A propos de Olivia MARTIN

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