You are currently viewing Laval virtual awards : the valorisation of immersive technology creators. 

New technologies are at the heart of our society, a French company has understood it very well by creating an event around immersive technologies. 

  • Event presentation

Virtual reality and augmented reality form an immersive technology. By using a virtual reality headset, it is possible to access a digital universe. Usage can vary according to the objective previously set by the user. This tool can be found in many fields: health, industry, culture, art, entertainment, and education.

Since 1999, Laval virtual, an event, has been running a multi-day event. Nearly 200 exhibitors come together in Mayenne, in France, to present their technologies. During the show, curious visitors can discover and try out the innovations. They are immersed in a digital universe. An art exhibition showcases a different vision of the digital world. To attract and reward creators, the Laval virtual event has set up a prize system.

  • Valued categories

There are seven award categories, which tend to congratulate a wide range of designers:

  1. Enterprise and productivity solution 
  2. Extended Reality devices and interaction products 
  3. Developer and authoring Tools 
  4. Extended Reality for a cause 
  5. Virtual worlds and metaverse 
  6. Education and training 
  7. Consumer experience and entertainment 

These seven categories are grouped into four themes that form the exhibition. The Student section promotes projects set up in schools. The Revolution section showcases private academic research, while the Start-ups section highlights innovative young companies. Finally, the Experience section puts content creators in the spotlight.

A number of criteria must be met in order to be eligible. Applicants must ensure that their project is consistent with the chosen category. Among the seven existing categories, it should be easy for a company to find the one that suits it best. Secondly, there must be relevance between the idea and the use of the technology. Candidates are also expected to be original in their innovations, and to have well-crafted graphics. Finally, to respect the goal of revolution, the project must inspire future innovations. With these numerous criteria, the event places technological revolution at the heart of its importance. There’s a real desire to leap into the future.

To decide on the winner, professionals from a variety of backgrounds were chosen. Among them were Simon Richir, an art teacher, Marie Leblanc, head of consulting, and Gregory Manbon Ar, an independent consultant. Simon Richir is a specialist in virtual reality, and co-founder and scientific director of Laval Virtual. These different people show that virtual reality combines several themes. Art and innovation come together to create the future.

  • How the ceremony unfolds

During the event, prizes are awarded to the winners. The trophy is a symbol of success for their company. The winners also win a spot in the exhibition. In addition to showcasing their innovation, they gain worldwide visibility that can be used to promote their ideas. The exhibition is a real chance to meet professionals and make contacts to improve their immersive technologies. Applicants also benefit from expert insights into their innovation. They will be able to use it to perfect their innovations.

  • Economic, social and international issues

This French competition attracts almost 10,000 visitors. It’s Europe’s biggest virtual reality event. It contributes to France’s international reputation. This promotion of immersive technologies enables a whole country to showcase our creators and help them develop the future. 

Previous winners include Aptero, Virtual Acoustic mixer and Meta Table β. 

Aptero is a start-up that creates events, training courses, conferences, and seminars in the metaverse. It connects people at a distance and creates a pleasant workspace. The company was able to highlight the award on its web page.

The Meta Table β tool, developed by the Kanagawa Institute of Technology, has a social vocation. Its technology breaks the isolation of people with disabilities. They will be able to order an avatar-robot which will act as a waiter.

As for Acoustic mixer, this is a solution for generating advanced acoustic simulations and audio effects in virtual environments. 

These different winning companies show the variety of the prizes awarded. Immersive technologies are a real challenge for the future. The victories won have  helped to put the spotlight on this technology, and to contribute to the progress.

Justine Van Bever
M2 Cyberjustice – Promotion 2023/2024 

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